Register a new business/NGO today starting at N20,000

Register your company with the CAC from as low as N20,000

And get a free business bank account using our 10-minute process.

Simply fill the form and we will take care of the paperwork

You get your CAC certificate in 3-5 business days


Sign up and start your registration


Fill in the required details




Get your Incorporation documents

Orange Globe

Get the most for your business when you incorporate with Norebase

Here’s what happens when you register your business


Corporate Bank Account

Instantly get a business bank account for your company when you incorporate using Norebase.


Legal Documentation

Instantly get all company documents; Certificate of Incorporation, Memorandum of Association and Register of Beneficial Owner(s)


Get Paid, Globally

Easily link your corporate bank account with a payment processor like Stripe or Paystack and sell online when you incorporate

Why Use Norebase?

Quick TAT

File your application in minutes, Set up in days. You’ll get your incorporation documents within 3-5 days.

Transparent Process

New business owner? We’ll keep you in the loop through the registration procedure and help you navigate launch or expansion anywhere.

Get the best prices

Ditch the pay-per-hour model. Pay the best prices for incorporation or trademark services as a local or foreigner.


Try Norebase today

Start your business with confidence